How to create a new driver account
- First of all, click on the "List" section
2. After that in the drop-down list choose the "Drivers" button.
3. In the opened menu click on the "Add Driver" button
4. Then you can fill in the info about the driver here
5. You can take the info about the driver from his CDL.
6. After you fill in the info from CDL, let's check other fields.
7. The "Driver ID" is the info about the driver in our system. To fill it, please insert the last 3 numbers of CDL.
8. The "Username" we need to enter into the TT ELD, you can use any unoccupied username. "Email" we need to enter the TT ELD and reset the driver's password.
9. If you press the "eye" icon you will see the password. Password is hidden by default.
10. If you have already added the "Unit" to our system you can set it in this drop-down menu.
11. If you don't have the required unit, you can assign it after creating an account for Driver.
12. If the Driver has the "Co-Driver" you can assign the "Co-driver" by this drop-down menu.
13. If the Driver doesn't have a "Co-driver", but in the future, he will be driving with a "Co-driver" you can assign it after creating an account for the Driver.
14. In this field you can enter any important information for you about the driver.
15. With these checkboxes you can Turn Off/Turn on the "Personal Conveyance" and "Yard move".
16. After filling in all info click on "Ok" to confirm the created driver account.